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Classic Salad, Classic Sandwich, Signature Sandwich, California Style Pizza’s
These gluten-free pizzas are prepared using the strict procedures approved by The Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG), using a validated gluten-free crust and other ingredients verified by our suppliers as gluten-free.
Classic Salad, Classic Sandwich, Signature Sandwich, California Style Pizza’s
All Combos are served with a Sweets Platter
An assortment of our sandwiches
Pasta serve 6-8
These menu items are made using gluten-friendly ingredients based on information from CPK's suppliers. However, due to California Pizza Kitchen's current kitchen space, only the pizzas listed on the separate Gluten-Friendly Pizza menu can be prepared using GIG’s certified procedures. These non-certified menu items are prepared in shared cooking and preparation areas and may not be completely free from gluten. Guests should inform a manager of any gluten intolerance.
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